Learn to be Free of Tension, Stress and Tightness in 14 days!
→ Take 6 Classes in 2 Weeks – Get $49 Credit Towards Your Next Package
→ Your 2 Weeks Begins On The Day Of Your First Class (not when you buy the Challenge)

1. Activate Your Relaxation Response– Modern life stress is slowly causing us to age fast and a major contributor to a lot of dangerous illnesses. In yoga we activate the Parasymphatetic Nervous System which calms our nervous system reducing stress!
2. Get Flexible and Stronger – Get flexibility and get stronger for each class you take. Our muscles and connective tissues work together. Without awareness a stronger part of our body compensates for the weaker part of us. In yoga we start to feel our body for the first time and we bring intention to our movement and postures.
3. Get Present in the NOW – When we join our movement and integrate it breath, we access presence even for just a glimpse. Access the peaceful part of you and get in your calmest and most relaxed state while strengthening parts of us that keep us TIGHT!

In just 6 classes you will gain the necessary skills and habits to improve your health through mindful movement. You will be inspired by other like minded individuals who will encourage and make you feel welcome to continue your health and fitness path. Witness the difference in a short period of time on how great you feel, the clarity of your mind and strength gained through the practices.


I have played many roles in my life, but health and fitness has always been a favorite topic for me. It is also something I’ve struggled with over the last decade of my life. Issues such as anxiety, depression, weight gain and overall fatigue are a daily challenge. Over the years I’ve come to understand that for me, practicing yoga in any form, keeps me motivated. Yoga practice helps me stay in touch the best version of myself. When I make time for myself on the mat, I feel better physically, mentally, and deep down in my spirit. I am grateful to have found Yoga Om, as not only are their classes fun and challenging, but their class times actually work for me as a working mom with little to no free time during “normal” business hours.”
I stumbled across Yoga during a bit of a low point in my life, I was feeling so stiff mentally and physically, holding in so much stress and unmotivated in my every day life. I was tired of the negative feelings I would give myself at the gym or during fitness classes, always finding myself giving up quickly. I was ready to try something new. I took a step into Yoga Om and I feel like I have found myself again. I find myself making the time to get in and get on my mat. I look forward to classes each week, I always walk away feeling so much better leaving all my stresses on my mat and giving myself more positive words to feel. I am very happy to have found YogaOm and am so excited for my new life’s adventure!”

When I stepped into Yoga OM space I could not have imagined that in such a short time what I have come to experience would be what I have been missing and I didn’t even know it. I have been able to step onto a path that has been placed in front of me that I believe I will now carry with me each and every day for the rest of my life. My new baseline.
I took a Sunday class (Yin Restore + Nidra) I had no clue what this class was about but left by the course description on-line I could participate (even at my beginner level) WOW! What an amazing experience. The attention to care provided was soooo comforting.
I have taken classes aerial classes as well. Each of them providing me with safe and stable support . As someone new to all things Yoga, they have given me the desire to do and learn more. They help me believe that I can do this. I can learn new things and that whatever I am trying for the first or second time…it’s ok to just do what I can do. They have patience and show much kindness . I am grateful.
Take The 2 Week "Comeback" Challenge
Take 6 Classes in 2 Weeks – Get $49 towards your next Package
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