Are You Sure You Want to Freeze or Cancel Membership?

We’d love the chance to help find what you’re looking for, create a plan to achieve your goals, with class suggestions based on your needs. Connect and let us know!

Yoga Om Alaska employs a 30 day cancellation policy.  Once autopay has been billed there are no refunds. Member has 30 days from that last autopay to utilize all sessions/days left in your pass . Cancel here before your next payment using the form below (verbal or phone cancellation not accepted to avoid miscommunication). Beyond the 21-day intro pass period your membership will be valid for another 30 days at the current discounted rate unless you cancel. There are no refunds or prorated refunds for remaining days, you must use the days left in your membership period.


Membership Freeze and Cancellation Request Form

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We know that it can all add up, but we also believe that self-care plays a critical role in our lives. We also acknowledge that creating a successful practice can be challenging. Our Members team is available to help support your needs and goals just email and ask for assistance, Email:

By submitting the form you are acknowledging this statement:

I acknowledge  the cancellation procedures and dates policies. I understand that I have 30 days from the last autopay to utilize any unused class sessions or the remainder days of my unlimited membership. 

Discover Yoga: 21 Days for Only $47! Begin Your Journey to Wellness Today.
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