
Welcome yogis! It’s been a long and sweet yoga journey. Here we are, our paths have crossed. Whatever it is that brought you here, wellness, fitness, spirituality etc. I’m so honored to have you as part of my own cozy Yoga Om community, online or physical community of yoga-lover wherever you maybe in Alaska, Wasilla, Palmer, Anchorage or Timbuktu. It’s my hope to help you heart-centered souls out there find transformation with even just a tiny portion of your lives from inside out through the incredible power of yoga, meditation and self-restoration.

I’m not known to share my thoughts online but since I’ve deepened my studies and learned the vastness of what yoga really is, passion and enthusiasm are to blame. I’m filled with excitement and gratitude in launching this website. I feel so, so humbled (who am I to have my very own website?) to have a sacred place for both you and I where we can expand our connection simply with the help of written words outside the safe space of yoga classroom. This will be also be a place for news that is all yoga, you name it, Hatha, Vinyasa, Restorative, Meditation, Bhakti, personal yoga journey, and our growing yoga community. I assure you, that no matter how much you already know about yoga and self-development there will always be more to learn and explore.  The world of yoga is deep and vast; we have to keep at it, that’s why we call it a practice. Practice for body, mind and spirit.

Hopefully I can keep you updated in the new happenings, trends, and news that can benefit you and your yoga journey. From time to time as I develop my courage to be vulnerable I will also share my personal discoveries and reflections. I would love to share my learnings, as much as I love sharing my yoga class with you.



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