I would like to offer some assurance in my own way in the midst of this fearful time and energy percolating in the world right now. We are on top of sanitizing all the high touch areas in the studio. We have doubled our efforts in making sure that we clean all the equipments such as blocks and mats EVERY. DAY even after you have cleaned them after class. We have removed the straps and eye pillows from being used until further notice. We will limit use of props such as bolsters and blankets and will stick to use of our blocks for our yin/restorative class.
We have Clorox spray behind the front desk if you need it for anything – including your mats. Online classes will be offered via FB Live. Please sign up or cancel classes online so we know if you are coming or not.
Here is my ask of you:

Let us be the leaders that we are. Let’s be responsible for our own impact to the community and wellbeing of others whether physically and energetically. Let us not spread anything that is not good for any ones wellbeing whether it be our own germs or our own projection of fear. Let us be the light that we are to the community. The fear itself is the most dangerous pandemic of all. Fear spread around the world is as dangerous as the Corona Virus, it can make us do things that are unkind to ourselves and others. Let us take care of ourselves and thus we do our own little way of impacting the world one small ripple at a time. Let us follow the well known guidelines for stopping a pandemic but more importantly let us recognize our actions if we are driven by the energy of fear. We will get through this just like people get through the flu and other pandemic diseases in the past. My love to you all and continue to care of yourself.


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